Friday, November 29, 2019

============================================================ Medicine

============================================================ Medicine: "Microsurgery: Sew Small" Uploaded: March 1, 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------ A man came into the emergency ward at one o'clock. His thumb came in an hour later. The surgeon's job: get them back together. The successful re-attaching of fingers to hand requires long hours of painstaking work in microsurgery. In the operating room , the surgeon doesn't stand, but sits in a chair that supports her body. Her arm is cradled by a pillow. Scalpels are present as are other standard surgical tools, but the suture threads are almost invisible, the needle thinner than a human hair. And all the surgical activity revolves around the most important instument, the microscope. The surgeon will spend the next few hours looking through the microscope at broken blood vessels and nerves and sewing them back together again. The needles are so thin that they have to be held with needlenosed jeweller's forceps and will sew together nerves that are as wide as the thickness of a penny. To make such a stitch, the surgeon's hands will move no more than the width of the folded side of a piece of paper seen end on! Imagine trying to sew two pieces of spaghetti together and you'll have some idea of what microsurgery involves. Twenty-five years ago, this man's thumb would have been lost. But in the 1960s, surgeon's began using microscopes to sew what previously had been almost invisible blood vessels and nerves in limbs. Their sewing technique had been developed on large blood vessels over a half century earlier but could not be used in microsurgery until the needles and sutures became small enough. The surgical technique, still widely used today, had taken the frustrating unreliability out of sewing slippery, round-ended blood vessels by ingeniously turning them into triangles. To do this, a cut end of a blood vessel was stitched at three equidistant points and pulled slightly apart to give an anchored, triangular shape. This now lent itself to easier, more dependable stitching and paved the way for microsurgery where as many as twenty stitches will have to be made in a blood vessel three millimetres thick. The needle used for this can be just 70 millimetres wide, only ten times the width of a human blood cell. All this technology is focused on getting body parts back together again successfully. The more blood vessels reattached, the better the survival chances for a toe or a finger. The finer the nerve resection, the better the feeling in a damaged part of the face, or control in a previously useless arm. But the wounded and severed body part must be treated carefully. If a small part of the body, such as a finger is cut off, instead of torn, wrapped in a clean covering, put on ice and then reattached within a few hours, the chance of success is over ninety percent, as long as one good artery and one good vein can be reattached. Not only is micro surgery allowin g body parts to be reattached, it's also allowing them to be reshuffled. Before 1969, nothing could be done for you if you'd had your thumb smashed beyond repair. But in the past 14 years, you would have been in luck, if your feet were intact. Every year in North America, hundreds of big toes are removed from feet and grafted onto hands. Sometimes tendons are shifted from less important neighbouring fingers to allow the thumb to work better in its unique role of opposing the other fingers and allowing us to grip. While we in North America can live without our big toes and never really miss them, people in Japan can't. They need their big toes to keep the common footwear, the clog, on their feet. So their second toe is taken instead. Farmers, labourers car accident victims and home handymen are the people most often helped by microsurgery replants. And because blood vessels are being reattached, burn victims can now benefit. Flaps of their healthy skin are laboriously reattached mor e successfully, blood vessel by blood vessel, to increase chances that the graft will take. Some women, whose diseased Fallopian tubes have become blocked, can have them reopened microsurgically. When a cancerous

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Helpful Guide on Writing a Law Research Paper

A Helpful Guide on Writing a Law Research Paper If one looks up the word â€Å"research† in the Oxford English Dictionary, he/she will find that it is ‘the systematic study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions’. This definition leads most students to the erroneous implication that legal research is daunting and too challenging for them. To the mind of most, this kind of work is only for theoreticians and academicians. In fact, the field of law has plenty of interesting issues to investigate on paper. Once a student finds the topic that is worth of looking into, the idea of exploring it gets more exciting. Researching a particular issue means learning the background, tracing the history of the legislation, finding out professional opinions of legal scholars and eventually coming up with the ideas/suggestions in a given area. Research is a great legal experience, and, moreover, is a starting point of every lawyer’s career. Most studies show that legal research skills are the first requirement on the employer’s list. As legal research can seem a real conundrum at first, this law research paper writing guide may help to shed some light on it. 3 Pre-Writing Tips for a Law Research Paper Before starting to write a research paper in Law, it is better to get well-prepared for the writing process, namely, you’re highly recommended to: Read some legal pieces of research. If you are a novice in legal research, looking through the studies of lawyers or scholars will ease the task. The more papers you read, the more you will know about the structure and peculiarities of this kind of work. It will be also easier to pick the topic for the future research after getting familiar with a various legal issues. If the research topic matches the topic of the sample, the source problem will be considered to be solved. Use some effective research methods. This kind of work requires more than Google. Even though online-searching is fast, flexible and provides more updated information than printed publications (for example, current court decisions), it is not helpful when looking for background information or broad legal notions. It can also be hard to follow cross-referencing and annotation references via a computer. Besides, most legal bases used by law offices are not in public access or extremely expensive. Outline all the found information. After having all the information in hand, it is useful to outline it by highlighting the main ideas of research and pointing out the supporting details. Focus on the data to inform the reader about a specific legal topic. Remember students who don’t understand the benefits of outlining a research paper think it is a waste of time. In contrast to this wrong opinion, it will save your time later when you start law research paper writing. Don’t skip the prewriting process to start and finish successful writing a research paper in Law. Focus on the following research points that are essential for you as a good researcher: Research process. First of all, it is important to realize that legal research is a process. It takes time, a thorough analysis, the full concentration, and close attention to details. There are some stages of the legal research cycle: Research strategy. This simple plan can assist you as the author of a good research paper with the information-gathering process: Tips from Our TOP Academic Writers on How to Structure a Law Research Paper There is no formula for a successful legal research paper. However, there are some basic characteristics that constitute a decent paper. A proper structure is one of the most important features necessary for you as a good writer. Even though a research paper in law has a specific nature, its general structure is confined to the introduction, main body, and conclusion. Introduction of a Research Paper A well-written introduction is crucial for your research paper. A quick glance over the first paragraphs gives the reader an idea of what the work is about. The reader can quickly evaluate whether it is worthy of reading the entire text by looking through the introduction. The introduction must clearly express the research problem and define the scope of the inquiry. Besides, the introduction needs to contain background information regarding the issue the author is addressing in the paper. This part serves as a foundation for further consideration, not a place to develop the argument. Thus, three main points to be outlined in the introduction: the reasons why this legal issue is worth a reader’s attention, the gaps in the current knowledge, the purpose of the study. Despite the wide range of the points to be mentioned in this section, it does not need to be lengthy. Stick to 10-15% of the length of the whole paper. Main Body of a Research Paper The focal point of the research paper is the main body. Since it is the most extensive part, it should be divided into sections. To present the material in a clear and comprehensible manner for the reader, each section should begin with a heading and the purpose it is expected to pursue. Paragraphing will help to organize the thoughts so that the reader can easily follow the flow of ideas. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence. If the reader without the knowledge in this particular area understands the paper when reading only the topic sentence, the mission of the author is accomplished. Besides, each paragraph should be completed with a concluding sentence, drawing out the main points discussed in the paragraph. The content of the main sections of the paper is supposed to answer the question the author raised in the introduction. The Conclusion of a Research Paper The final part of the research paper should be a summary of the main points stated in the law study. However, the conclusion should not be made of the phrases copied from the main body or the introduction. Logical consistency with the arguments explained in the main part is crucial. Moreover, no new arguments can be introduced in this part. Note: Even though it seems logical to write the introduction first, it is virtually impossible to do before there is a clear argument which takes place in the main part of the paper. Therefore, the introduction should be written when the author knows where his/her argument is going. In other words, it should be written after the main part writing is finished. How to Form a Reference List for a Research Paper in Law A reference page lists all the sources that are used in the research paper. Whether the information is taken from the book, websites, or journals, it should be correctly referenced, so that the reader can easily retrieve it. It is necessary for a writer to make sure to note every source for the paper. The practical experience shows that students tend to remember about referencing after paraphrasing. As a result, the needed web pages are closed, and book pages are lost. The basic requirements of the reference page are the following: Each reference should be formatted according to the appropriate style guide (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) The styles peculiarities shouldn’t be mixed; The reference page should be organized in alphabetical order according to the authors’ last names; Every resource that is used in the paper should be on the reference page. If one item is missing from the list, the paper can be considered plagiarism; Correct formatting, namely spacing, and indentation, should be taken into account. The example of an APA reference: Derwing, T. M., Rossiter, M. J., Munro, M. J. (2002). Teaching native speakers to listen to foreign-accented speech. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 23(4), 245-259. The Rule of â€Å"Six Cs† Helps You to Write a Research Paper The rule implies that the research writing should be done in a clear, concise, and comprehensive manner. The legal terminology is sophisticated and most legal materials are written in a complex language. Therefore, the idea of legal research is to filter out unnecessary information, and chose the relevant material, systemize it and provide it in a simple and direct manner. The ability to write accurately and effectively is equally as important as research skills. Two More â€Å"C† Consistency and Coherency Help You Out The support by evidence is essential to legal research writing. Every argument should not be determined by emotions or prejudices, but be based on reasons and facts. Despite the division into parts, sections, and paragraphs, all the components need to be consistent, forming a coherent paper. Only one issue can be brought up, developed logically, and lead to a comprehensible conclusion. The Final â€Å"C† Stands for Creativity The phrase â€Å"New – in every discipline – means never joined before† stated in The Advertising Solution by Craig Simpson and Brian Kurtz. In turn, Kate Dewhirst, a lawyer, is sure that a legal innovation is able to unlock creativity. Whereas most students tend to think that legal area is not a place to be creative or innovative, it is still possible to use these skills to write a remarkable research paper. Creativity is a key component to being an outstanding lawyer. The only thing a writer has to do is to connect things in a way they have never been connected before. To Quote or Not to Quote: That Isn’t the Question in Law Law is an area where you aren’t allowed to avoid quotations from the constitution, for example. So the question, â€Å"To quote or not to quote?† is positively answered for you underpin your position as a researcher by means of strong evidence. When it comes to choosing between direct quotations or paraphrasing, it is important to define in which cases direct quotes should take place: When they set out the enacted law, For example, quoting the exact language of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is preferable to paraphrasing, since the latter can differ dramatically from the meaning of the words in their original context. Article 12. â€Å"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks†. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no one can invade someone’s privacy, nor harm someone’s reputation. If they are fewer than three lines, If they happen to be longer than three lines, it is important to set off that quote in a block format. Common mistake: When quoting from sources, it is crucial not to take the quotations out of context. Quoting out of context takes place when a passage is removed from what is said before, and, as a result, the intended meaning is distorted. For example, the following quotation is taken out of context: ‘According to Chief Justice John Roberts, this President’s words strike at fundamental standards of respect and tolerance, in violation of our constitutional tradition. The original quote is taken from CNN Politics: Plaintiffs argue that this President’s words strike at fundamental standards of respect and tolerance, in violation of our constitutional tradition.’ Whereas the writer uses several phrases exactly as they appear in reality and does not change the structure, the meaning differs dramatically. 2 Post-Writing Tips for Your Research Paper No research paper is considered to be completed without being proofread and edited. Once the first draft is ready, it is important to review it for errors and inconsistencies. The editing stage involves improving the big picture of the paper. Check if your law research paper addresses all the requirements, if it is well-structured and if the legal question is answered fully. Proofreading means examining the text carefully by focusing on specific details like spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, referencing, grammar, etc. The legal research is not an easy task. It is time-consuming, it requires perseverance, attention to details, and hard work. However, once the topic is chosen, you as a researcher should become completely absorbed finding more and more facts. By the end of the writing process, you will be fully qualified in the scope of the prescribed study. Good luck!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Alfred A. Strauss 1897-1957 Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Alfred A. Strauss 1897-1957 - Personal Statement Example Strauss received his medical degree from University of Heidelberg in the year 1922, and he later served as a research associate at the Heidelberg Psychiatric Clinic (Duchan). Apart from his research work at the clinic, Strauss also served in the Outpatient Patient department at the University of Heidelberg Psychiatric Clinic, in the capacity of Director of Outpatient department. Strauss left Germany in 1933 and he was hosted by the University of Barcelona, as a visiting professor, and it is during this period that he championed and supported the establishment of the first municipal child guidance clinic; Strauss also helped Barcelona to acquire its first private guidance clinic. In the year 1937, Strauss went to the Michigan county school located at Northville, and here, Strauss became a research Psychiatrist until later in the year 1943 (Duchan). This School also had an established childcare center, where Strauss served in the capacity of its director in the year 1946. Strauss was also a former president and co-founder of the Cove Schools of Wisconsin and Illinois- these schools were based in the residential areas for children who had experienced minimal brain injuries. Strauss co-founded the Racine Wisconsin Clove School in 1949 and he became its president until at the time of his death later in the year

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Phenomenon Of Globality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Phenomenon Of Globality - Essay Example This essay discusses that such as a scenario, should it ever occur would be reflected in a universal consciousness and sense of value as a human beings. This nevertheless requires that people expand their loyalties and concerns past people of their immediate geographical or ethical circles. While admitting that humanity is quite far from achieving a global â€Å"intellect†, the writers concede that in the  last  few years major steps have been made in this direction in a clear break from the recent past. For example in the late 80’s and early 90’s, people from all over the world united albeit in different forums to express their outrage over the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela. The world felt that his incarceration represented the abuse of basic human rights to freedom as well as amounting to racial discrimination. Cohen, Paul, and Maud argue that although imperialism had retrospectively being used to bring about â€Å"civilization† by western cultures through oppressive policies this era was at an  end. The union with which apartheid was collectively decried proves this. The argument for globality is further supported by the fact that the fact that the world is becoming more tolerant of different cultural identities and practices. The reasons systems like South Africa’s apartheid were opposed are because, in the contemporary globalized world, it is possible for governance to be shared rather than imposed. The concept of superior and inferior culture was only a tool used by imperial powers to subjugated subjects and acquired new territory by forcing their way of life and governance on people. Cohen, Paul, and Maud propose that there is a rise in the number of individuals who practice reflective thinking. This is the sort of thinking that promotes the appreciation of diverse culture, â€Å"reflexive people tend to be self-conscious and knowledgeable and they plan to shape their own lives while redefining the world around them†.

Monday, November 18, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

History - Essay Example Niebuhr further warns that the liberal idealism’s modern culture underrates the historical existence of human self-interest. In effect, within modern liberal rhetoric of American democracy, self-interest normally disguises itself. This paper narrow down to looking into four ‘icons’ who mirrored Niebuhr’s critique that predatory self-interest deeply permeates American liberalism including Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Gunnar Myrdal and the framers of the Port Huron statement. Malcom X seems to symbolize one of supreme examples of ‘child of darkness’ that Niebuhr gives wherein self-interest and the black movement’s segregation pushes the society further into isolation, but this is not the case. In his article, Niebuhr did not describe the modern revolt against the medieval culture and the feudal order as a conflict between children of light and children of darkness. ... degree that it challenged not only the tentative and premature unity of a society but also the stabilization of a culture, over and above developing new cultural and social possibilities (Hollinger, 281). Malcom X was in the same way democratic to the extent of challenging capitalism disparities for his exploited people over and above suggesting an alternative to new cultural and social possibilities. Actually, within the white community, chances for black mobilization and power were minimal. Hollinger asserts that the white man fears separation more than he fears integration – since segregation denotes that he puts someone away from oneself, but not far enough to make them be out of one’s jurisdiction; the white man will integrate faster than he will segregate (p.443). In my view therefore, Malcom X mirrored Niebuhr’s ideas more than he challenged them. The â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail† by Martin Luther King also gives support to Niebuhr’s t houghts in his struggle to delineate unjust and just laws. As earlier discussed, the all-encompassing framework upon which Niebuhr claims the â€Å"children of light† stride toward is the ‘just law’, which Martin Luther King’s defines as ‘a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God’ (Hollinger, 415). An ‘unjust law’, upon which Dr. King bases the example of segregation, is not rooted in natural law and eternal law and it degrades human personality in addition to giving the segregated a false sense of inferiority and the segregator a false sense of superiority (Hollinger p. 415). Segregation, which is an explicit example of the penetration of the ‘children of darkness’ into practiced government, obligates Dr. King and others of one mind with him to break the law. Albeit the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Uninterruptible Power Supply

Uninterruptible Power Supply In the United Kingdom over the past half century, the use of electricity has been increasing year on year (Figure 1). This increase in demand means that the supply of electricity is becoming more critical to the consumer and how much everyday life requires the use of electricity. Disruption to the supply can cause major issues and potential financial difficulty to many consumers who require a constant supply. Electricity disturbances can come in many different arrangements which affect the AC waveform and influence electrical loads in different ways. Common disturbances are shown in Figure 2 Depending on the criticality of the load devices can be placed between the supply and the load to eliminate these issues. Common devices used to eliminate disturbances are Uninterruptible power supplies Power Filters/Conditioners Different UPS systems can be used to eliminate disturbances through different configurations and setups. Power conditioners operate to illuminate certain aspects of the disturbances but wont eliminate disturbances like interruptions UPS systems can incorporate power conditioners to eliminate all these common disturbances to help give a constant supply for consumers. 1.1 Aims The principle aim of this final year individual project is to design and build an Uninterruptible Power Supply to eliminate interruptions up to 5 minutes. On failure of the supply, the system will pick up the load and continue to provide power until the main supply has returned after 5 minutes 1.2 Objectives Research and develop an understand of existing UPS configurations Design and build a standby UPS system including An AC to DC rectifier to supply an input to a DC Buck Charger A DC to DC converter to reduce input voltage to charge retrospective batteries A DC to AC inverter to make an AC voltage of 24V RMS An AC to AC converter to transfer between the duty and standby supply Develop an Arduino interface to control and display UPS parameters including Control of the switching of the DC to AC inverter Control of the AC to AC transfer switch Manual Control of UPS Display of UPS circuit position Voltage parameter readings for AC and DC AC load current and voltage readings Battery Temperature readings Evaluate UPS and discuss further work 1.3 Motivation The motivation for this final year project has come from time spent on placement at Phillip66 Humber Refinery working on the maintenance of primarily double conversion and rotary UPS systems. Through this experience, it has given an understanding of the systems and an interest to design and build a UPS. 2.1 UPS Configurations An uninterruptible Power supply is a system designed to maintain power or provide power when the input power fails or is disrupted. A UPS can be designed as a DC or AC back up, but most common UPS systems in the UK are designed to give AC because this is how electricity is supplied through the grid. [3] An AC UPS output can be produced using either a rotating machine (Rotary UPS) or a semiconductor based inverter (Static UPS). Batteries are the main energy source for both systems but for rotary systems, other rotating energy sources can be used. The UPS configurations as shown in Table 1 shows the different arrangements of a UPS 2.2 UPS Operation 2.2.1 Rotary UPS The rotary UPS generally consists of a motor and generator set but how these are configured depends on of the type of rotary UPS. Fixed Flywheel UPS (Figure 3a) [3] [4] Mains electricity operates an AC motor that is connected through a specially designed flywheel to an AC generator to produce an AC output. While the motor is driving the generator the flywheel rotates which stores kinetic energy.ÂÂ   When the main supply fails the kinetic energy in the flywheel continues to turn the generator for a short duration until another supply is provided by a backup generator. Battery backed (Figure 3B C) Mains electricity is converted to DC to charge a battery bank this DC is then used to operate a DC motor directly or through an inverter to an AC motor depending on the configuration. The motor is then directly coupled to a generator to supply the load. Diesel Backed (Figure 4) This UPS operates similarly to a flywheel UPS in normal operation an AC motor rotates a flywheel to store energy while a generator is producing power to the output. Instead of an external diesel generator set being used a diesel engine is coupled directly to the AC generator to produce power when the main supply fails. 2.2.2 Static UPS A static UPS generally comprises of a rectifier, inverter and a battery bank, how these are configured depends on the type of static UPS. Standby (Figure 5) [5] [6] In normal operation, a rectifier charges a set of batteries and the input is fed to the output through a transfer switch when the mains fails the transfer switch changes to take the supply from the batteries through an inverter. Standby-Ferro (Figure 6) [5] [6] This configuration is very similar to the standby UPS but has a ferroresonant transformer to reduce the time loss of power on a changeover from main to inverter supply, this transformer stores energy in a resonant circuit which supplies up to a half cycle of power to allow time for the inverter to start up and provide power. Double Conversion (Figure 7) [5] [6] In normal operation, mains electricity is converted to DC to charge the batteries which is then inverted back to AC filtered and supplied to the load. When power is lost the batteries supply the AC through the inverter. The static switch is used in the event that if the rectifier or inverter fails the load can be supplied directly from the load. Delta Conversion (Figure 8) [5] [6] In normal operation two converters are used to regulate current and voltage, the series converter is used to control current and a parallel converter to control the voltage. The converter operates to maintain a constant voltage and current output. When the supply is less than the load requires the batteries are used make up the difference. When too much power is provided the extra is used to charge the batteries through the bi-directional inverter. Line Interactive (Figure 9)[5] [6] In normal operation, the mains is supplied to the output while the bi-directional inverter is charging the batteries. When the main supply fails the inverter changed direction and supplies the load from the batteries. 2.3 UPS Comparisons To gain a better understanding of the UPS configurations and their capabilities a compassion was conducted as illustrated below (Table 2). UPS Configuration Power Rating Range (kVA) Cost per VA Efficiency Application Standby 0 0.5 Low Very High Interruptions Standby-Ferro 3- 15 High Low-Medium Interruptions Double Conversion 5-5000 Medium Low-Medium Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, Distortion Delta Conversion 5-5000 Medium High Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, distortion Line Interactive 0.5-5 Medium Very High Interruptions Flywheel Rotary 25-2500 Medium Medium to High Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, Distortion Battery Backed Rotary Medium Medium to High Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, Distortion Table 2: UPS Configuration Comparison [5] 2.4 Project Reasoning A standby UPS system was chosen due to its low cost, its simplicity and because it covers a single disruption. This type of UPS is basic to remove loss of power and to bridge the gap between power loss and back up operation starting 3.1 Work Breakdown Structure and Network Diagram A WBS is a key project deliverable that organises work into manageable sections and is the foundation of any project plan. All the project deliverables are selected and organised into key areas of activity. [7] A network diagram shows the sequence of activities which are in the WBS in order of time, these are then used to develop a Gantt chart. The WBS (Appendix 9.2.1: WBS) separated the project into 5 main sections which were then subdivided to develop a network diagram (Appendix 9.2.2: Network Diagram) Research Design Programming Build testing Report/ Presentation 3.2 Project Plan A project plan was developed as a Gantt chart from the network diagram, the time scale for the project was set to begin in September and complete the development of the UPS by December. This giving two months before the deadline to complete final checks and adjustments. The project plan was reviewed weekly and updated as the progress of the project developed. 3.3 Monthly Reports A monthly report was conducted to record and document my project progress on a regular basis, each monthly report is attached in Appendix 2 Project Planning. This report involved a document of the work I had conducted the month before and also a plan of what I would be doing for the next month including a number of hours that would be spent. 3.4 Project Progress Review A PPR was conducted on Friday 2nd December by Dr Joe Cole this was designed as For the design and building of this standby UPS, it has been split into individual circuits to ease the understanding and to show the importance of each aspect of the UPS. The UPS has been divided as follows AC Rectification DC Inverter Battery Charging Transfer Switch Control of the UPSÂ   4.1 Bridge Rectifier (AC >> DC) 4.1.1 Calculation Theory An AC to DC converter is required to utilise the mains AC voltage to charge a set of batteries for use when the AC signal is lost. A rectifier circuit can be designed to utilise either full or half of the AC waveform, this can be achieved through the use of diodes or thyristors. Figure 10 shows the circuit configuration of a bridge rectifier which can use either component. The difference between using diodes and thyristors is the control over the voltage on the output, diodes give an output equal to the peak voltage of the AC waveform and thyristors voltage depends on the firing angle used to turn the thyristors on. To achieve a pure DC voltage filtering is required to remove the ripple of the sinusoidal waveform. Figure 11 shows how the DC can be filtered to give a pure DC voltage through the use of a capacitor. For this project, a constant DC voltage equivalent to the peak AC waveform can be used to supply the Buck Battery Charger because this will reduce the DC voltage to the required voltage to charge the retrospective batteries. For the purpose of this project, a diode full wave bridge rectifier can be used to supply 34V to the buck battery charger. 4.1.2 Simulation The circuit in figure 4.1.1 was modified to add a smoothing capacitor then it was built in Multisim as shown in Figure 9which gives the output as shown in Figure 13. 4.1.3 Building and Testing After simulation was complete the circuit was built on a breadboard so that its operation could be tested in practice before a PCB was designed. The practical testing is shown in Figure 14. It can be seen that the incoming 24V AC supply is changed to DC through the bridge rectifier which is shown as the peak voltage on channel 1 as 31.5 V DC Once the circuit was tested on a breadboard it was then produced on a PCB, this was soldered using the same components and tested to give the same results as in Figure 14. The PCB design and finished PCB can be observed below (Figure 15/16) 4.2 Inverter (DC >> AC) 4.2.1 Calculation Theory To convert the DC voltage stored in the batteries to make AC voltage a DC to AC inverter is required. There are three main types of DC to AC inverter which depend on the AC output waveform, these are square, modified sine and pure sine wave. The difference between the modified sine and the pure sine wave is that the modified sine rests on the 0 line for a small amount of time then either rises or falls whereas the sine wave goes straight through the 0 line. (Figure 17) For this application, a sine wave as close to the mains is required so a modified sine wave will be produced which will be filtered to make a sine wave. To change DC to AC an H bridge is required similar to that of an AC to DC converter. As can be seen in Figure 19 the switching of the H Bridge changes the current flow through the load and so creates AC. The issue with this circuit is that it will give an AC square wave, to adapt this to make a modified sine another bridge is required Figure 18to introduce a voltage step and make a multilevel inverter. Each bridge is use to add a square wave on top of each other so that an output Figure 20 can be produced. With an increase in H-bridges, this means an increase of switches and DC sources. The DC sources are required to make an AC RMS voltage equivalent to that of the mains input (24V RMS). The peak voltage of the AC waveform has to be matched by the total voltage of the DC, this means that a total DC voltage can be calculated by equation 1 which gives a value of 33.94 V. To achieve this voltage exactly through the use of DC sources would be hard so a voltage higher would be best through the use of four 9V or six 6V batteries used to get 36V, this would mean that by using six 6V batteries smaller steps are achieved but more bridges are required which would be more accurate than using 9V steps and having fewer bridges. To eliminate the repeated use of bridges a modified multilevel inverter circuit (Figure 21) can be developed to use 1 bridge and switch on each source as required so that switch numbers can be reduced from 24 switches to 10 switches. The reduction of switches can be observed through a comparison of the conventional and modified H-bridge. (Figure 21). For this inverter, it will be designed as a 13 level modified multilevel inverter which requires 8 control signals to switch on each 6V source and also to change the polarity across the load. 4.2.2 Simulation A 13 level modified cascaded inverter was built in Multisim using 8 pulsed signals that represent the signals obtainable from the microcontroller. This gives a modified sine wave output that is operating at 50Hz with a peak to peak of 72 V. 4.2.3 Testing 4.3 Battery Charger (DC >> DC) 4.3.1 Calculation Theory To charge the six 6 V batteries for the inverter and single 12-volt battery to supply the Arduino it is required to reduce the 34V produced from the AC rectifier to a suitable level for the retrospective batteries to charge. This is normally 1.15 times the voltage of the rated battery voltage which gives 6.9 volts and 13.8 volts which are confirmed in the datasheet for each battery. To reduce the DC voltage a chopper circuit is required, these can be categorised as either switched or linear, and to understand the characteristic a comparison of both is shown below [8] (Table 3). Linear Switched Function Can only reduce voltage Can increase or decrease voltage depending on design Efficiency As difference in voltage increases efficiency decreases High efficiency Complexity Low usually only requiring a regulator and capacitors Medium to high due to inductor, capacitor calculations Cost Low Medium to high depending on design Output Ripple Low Medium to high due to switching rate Table 3: Chopper Comparison [8] For best efficiency a switched inverter will be used, this is required to give each battery half an amp of current at 6.9 Volt and 13.8 volts. 4.3.2 Simulation 4.3.3 Testing 4.4 Transfer Switch (AC >> AC) 4.4.1 Calculation Theory An AC to AC converter is required to change the supply to the output between mains voltage and back up supply from the DC AC inverter. This type of AC converter works as a switch to turn either AC source on respectively when it is required (Figure 23), other types of AC to AC converter can be used to change aspects of the AC waveform but this is not required in this application. A contactor or a semiconductor device circuit can be designed to make this transfer switch, each of which has its advantages but for this project, a semiconductor device was used, the common devices use to make an AC AC converter are SCRs or thyristors. To utilise either device a double circuit of back to back devices is used so that each half of the cycle is seen at the output. (Figure 24). To prevent using 2 SCRs or thyristors back to back, a triac can be used to do this job instead. This means that the use of two triacs with a common output and separate inputs can be used as a transfer switch. (Figure 25) 4.4.2 Simulation To show the operation of the transfer switch 2 different AC signals of different frequencies are used to show the transfer. (Figure 26). When the control signal is supplied to Triac 1 the output waveform is shown as 25Hz but when the control signal is changed to Triac 2 the output changes to 50Hz. (Figure 27) To isolate the Triac from the microcontroller an optocoupler will be used so that in the event of a fault the microcontroller doesnt come in contact with the AC voltage 4.4.3 Testing The transfer switch was built on a prototyping board using two TIC246M Triacs which are then operated through two MOC3021 triac optocouplers, these use the AC signal to turn on each triac. To test the transfer switch a method similar to that of the simulation was adopted, but instead of using 2 different frequencies, 2 different phases where used then the output was compared to each to show that the transfer switch is operational. Due to the risk of shorting two phases if an issue occurred each side of the transfer switch was tested for operation individually. Once this was tested and operational the input signal for each phase was placed on channel 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope and the output positioned on channel 3. (Figure 28). This meant that as each triac was turned on it could be compared with the corresponding input to ensure the triac was operating as required. As we see below figure shows the output when triac 1 is operating and figure shows when the second is operational. When the transfer switch was tested and operational a PCB design was developed on circuit wizard, this also incorporated a CT to measure the output current and a bridge rectifier chip to take a reading of the output voltage peak voltage. These would be sent to the microcontroller to display.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Arlington National Cemetery :: American History, War, The Tomb of the Unknown

One of the most sacred places in America is the Arlington National Cemetery. Each year heroes are laid to rest here. Families from across the nation visit Arlington throughout the year to pay respect to their love ones. Many American hero families who visit the Arlington Cemetery may have been mourning at the wrong grave. Arlington was once the home of George Washington’s adopted grandson, George Washington Parke Custis (â€Å"Arlington† 4). Custis adored Washington so much that he wanted to make the house a memorial to him. Upon Custis’ death, Arlington was left to his daughter, Mary Ann Custis. Mary Ann was married to Robert E. Lee. They lived in the house until the Civil War began. During the war, the house was used as a Union army camp (Stein 7-10). The Union government declared Arlington a national cemetery on June 15, 1864 (Reef 27). In order to be buried at Arlington, a person has to qualify for burial. Ones who have died on active duty and those who served for twenty or more years are permitted to be buried at Arlington. Others who qualify for burial at Arlington are veterans who suffered 30% or more disability and were honorably discharged from the military before October 1, 1949. Recipients of decorations such as The Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, or the Purple Heart also qualify for burial at Arlington. Burial for members of the president’s cabinet, other nationally elected officials, and Supreme Court Justices who served honorably in the military are also allowed. Burial is permitted for Presidents of the United States, who are also referred to as the Commander and Chief of the military (Reef 64). Not only are military heroes buried at Arlington, but memorials have also been built to honor others who have given their lives for America. The memorials that are located throughout Arlington tell a story about people throughout American history (Reef 43). Each year families walk the endless rows of white head stones at Arlington in order to pay their respects to the ones that have given their lives for America. One of the most visited graves at Arlington is that of President John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy traveled the world to promote friendship between the United States and other nations. Americans were shocked when he was shot and killed in Dallas, TX in 1963. His grave is marked with an eternal flame that will burn forever, reminding people of his accomplishments (Reef 44-46).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Filipino Games Essay

Like any other country in the world, Philippines have many different games that are played as a past time, or simply for recreational purposes. Some games are more popular and more well-known than the others, but the three games that stuck out at me were Tubigan, Sungka, and Culliot. Tubigan, also known as Patintero, is played outdoors. The players are divided into two equal teams. Based on a coin toss, one team becomes the runners, and the other becomes the tagger. The object of the runner is to get through all the lines back and forth without being tagged. To set this game up, the ground is marked off in a 5 or 6 meter rectangle divided into four equal parts. The taggers stand 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the marked lines. Tagger number 1 can go anywhere to tag the runners. Taggers 2, 3, and 4 must have both feet on the marked lines, and can only tag the runner as they cross their lines or as they get near them. As soon as the runners cross line 4, he must return to line 2 and call out â€Å"Tubig! † scoring a point for his team. The runners must score a clean pass within 2 minutes; otherwise a turnover will be called. Sungka, known as mancala in Southern Asia, has been around in the Philippines for as long as anyone can remember. The sungka board is a small treasure – the older it is, the more precious, it sits on a side table or a top bench, waiting to be played. The sungka board is a shallow boat made of solid wood. The whole length of the boat is lined in seven small bowls carved in pairs, with two large deep bowls carved out at both ends (bahay) for captured â€Å"sigay†. The props needed for this game are pebbles, â€Å"sigay† or shells, or seeds. In each small pit are initially 7 â€Å"sigay. † Sungka is always played by two people. At each turn a player empties one of his small pits and then distributes its contents in a counterclockwise direction, one by one, into the following pits including his own store, but passing the opponents store. If the last stone falls into a non-empty small pit, its contents are lifted and distributed in another lap. If the last stone is dropped into the player’s own store, the player gets a bonus move. If the last stone is dropped into an empty pit, the move ends. If the move ends by dropping the last stone into one of your own small pits you capture the â€Å"sigay† in the opponent’s pit directly across the board and your own stone. The captured â€Å"sigay† are deposited in your store. However, if the opponent’s pit is empty, nothing is captured. The first move is played simultaneously. After that play is alternately. The first player to finish the first move may start the second move. However, in face-to-face play one player might start shortly after his opponent so that he could choose a response which would give him an advantage. There is no rule that actually could prevent such a tactic. So, in fact, the decision-making may be non-simultaneous. You must move if you can. If you can’t a player must pass until he can move again. The game ends when no â€Å"sigay† are left in the small pits. The player who captures most â€Å"sigay† wins the game. The game culliot is similar to the game of tug-of-war. Two or more players can play this. The purpose of this team is to pull the other team over the borderline. The equipment needed is a 15-meter long rope with a diameter of 3. 81 centimeters. Each team must have an equal number of players. The teams are placed five meters away from each other. Both ends of the rope should be tied on the waist of the last player while the others hold on to the rope. A piece of ribbon or handkerchief is tied onto the centerline of the rope. Upon the signal to start, each team pulls the other, attempting to pull the opposing team over the borderline, thus becoming the winner. In my opinion, the cultural aspect of these games teaches teamwork, skill, wit, as well as strength. Growing up, I have played all of the above games. I had no idea that they were Filipino games, except for sungka. I like these games because it brought my family and I closer together; my cousins and I especially. These games taught us how to work as a team, think about our decisions before we make a move, and wit.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Developers Dont Do Docs How to Get Your Technical Documents Done Right - by Tammy Young, technical writing consultant for The Essay Expert

Developers Dont Do Docs How to Get Your Technical Documents Done Right - by Tammy Young, technical writing consultant for The Essay Expert Why not have developers write technical documentation? After all, they likely designed the software, or at least had a hand in the design. Don’t they know the software best? Yes, perhaps they do, but that does not make them the best candidates for writing manuals, or even Help files. The truth is that most developers do not like writing docs. They prefer writing code. When pressed into service for documentation, they will complete the task as quickly as possible in order to get back to their preferred job. The resulting documentation is likely to be too sophisticated for an end user. It will often assume too much technical savvy from current customers and a level of product knowledge that new users cannot possibly have. Although few and far between, there are software engineers who enjoy the break from design and code to write documentation. Some of these people even write well. But beware! If you are one of those lucky product development managers who can rely on an engineer for docs, be sure to schedule time for documentation QA from a technical writer or the QA team. Developers know the product so well, they can’t foresee the mistakes that end users make, and they don’t write instructions to prevent those errors. This oversight leads to increased Help Desk calls for problems that could have been avoided with clearer docs. In contrast, professional technical writers approach the product from the point of view of the end user. Like customers, they don’t know all the ins and outs of the product design. Therefore, they can anticipate where users will have trouble and write detailed, even elementary, steps to improve the user experience. Their own questions can be used to build a dynamic FAQ list for product Help files or a user Wiki community. Developers’ time spent on docs is reduced to one interview and occasional questions, usually via email, to clarify points as the tech writer completes the docs. The result is a set of manuals and Help files that provide solutions for users before they even have problems, preventing support calls and promising more satisfied customers. Contact The Essay Expert for professional writing assistance with your technical documentation. Our experienced technical writer will be a seamless addition to your development team, writing everything from Help files and manuals to last-minute ReadMe and release notes. The results? High quality product documentation and happy developers. Category:Professional WritingBy Brenda BernsteinSeptember 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The History of the Aeredi and their Lands

The History of the Aeredi and their Lands Free Online Research Papers Named for the title of the tome of the same name by the sage Ferenbrand. The City of Summer Stars of the Grey Olve in the Adri Forest is assailed by Ur Flan necromancers. Darnakurian forges Hunger, slays his mother and many of the Olve of the city as well as the Ur Flan. Ca. -1,400 CY: The Kingdom of Sulm thrives in the Bright Desert Ca. -1,300 CY: The Kingdom of Sulm falls in a day due to the Curse of Shattados. Ca. -1,100 CY: The Marvellous Nightingale of Queen Ehlissa the Enchanter is created. Kingdom of Ehlissa is assumed to be founded or extant about this time. Ca. -700 CY: Oeridan tribes wander the plains of central Oerik. -644 CY: Johydee of Cranden frees the Oerids from tyranny. The Aerdi begin their Great March, starting the Great Migrations of the Oeridans. -465 CY: Council of Oerdian Hetman, heeding shamanic advice, begin migrating into the Eastern Flanaess (180 OR) -458 CY: Oeridian migrations east at peak point. Oerid migrations move into Ket -447 CY: Zellif Ad-Zol, heir to the Suel Imperium, flees east with thousands of followers. While passing through the Pawluck Valley, some Suel settle, forging an alliance with indigenous Grey Olve lords. -446 CY: Commoners and a few noble houses of the Suloise move across the Harsh Pass to the east (5070 SD) -444 CY: Zellif Ad-Zol and follower settle in the Tilvanot Peninsula. -425 CY: Founding of the Scarlet Brotherhood (5091 SD). Kevelli Mauk presents his vision of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Sign to the Suloise Council of Nobles. -422 CY: Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colourless Fire. Kevalli Mauk and the Scarlet Brotherhood flee east. -421 CY: Displaced Hobniz arrive in the Dragonshead, fleeing the upheavals of the Great Migrations and the advance of the Aerdi and Nehron into the lands north of Relmor Bay. Suel/Grey Olve Alliance in Sunndi is overrun with little difficulty by Oerid raiders. Oerids present in Sunndi soon after Rain of Colourless Fire. -419 CY: Kevelli Mauk and followers settle in the Tilvanot Penisula. The Onnwi arrive on the Dragonshead from the Pomarj and set about conquering the native Flan tribes or driving them into the Headlands. The Kingdom of Onnwal is declared. -415 CY: Aerdi first reported to have reached the western shores of the Nyr Dyv -411 CY: Death of Kevelli Mauk, Founder of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Reshnek Nes takes leadership of the Brotherhood (5105 SD) Ca. -400 CY: The Aerdi reach the Solnor Ocean. They settle the lands from the lower Flamni to the Gull Cliffs, founding the settlements of Rel Astra, Pontylver, Ountsy, Roland and Mentrey as capitals of a series of petty principalities, joined in a loose tribal confederation. The Suel House of Zelrad, driven out of the Sheldomar by the Houses Neheli and Rhola, are welcomed into the Flan Kingdom of Queen Ehlissa. They found the original town of Zelradton. Ca. -315 CY: Tuerny the Merciless is born in present day Ahlissa into the House of Cranden. -265 CY: Tuerny creates the Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless -243 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood defeats final remnants of rebelling Suloise Noble Houses. Scarlet Brotherhood assumes formal control of Tilvanot government, calling the peninsula The Kingdom of Shar. (5273 SD) Ca. 220 CY: Baron Lum (years before he discovered his infamous Machine) loses Druniazth (The Claw of Tharizdun) in battle against Ur Flan sorcerors near the present-day Bonewood. -217 CY: The Kingdom of Aerdy is founded, uniting the Aerdi principalities under a single banner. Lord Mikar of Garasteth is crowned Grand Prince and takes Rel Astra for his capital. [Early King of Aerdy slain by Tuerny of Cranden a tyrant and conqueror conquered vast swathes of land; pre-Aerdy commander) Tuerny was once a human wizard, one of the greatest in all history, and a feared personage in the ancient Kingdom of Aerdy. He was born over 900 years ago in the region now called Ahlissa. An archmage, fiend summoner and conqueror, he slew his own king and founded a militant, expansionist tyranny Subsequently he created the artefact that bears his name and was eventually captured in it himself (thus disappearing from history) Ca. -200 CY: Aerdy, led by Cranden and Darmen princes, conquers the crumbling Flan Kingdom of Ahlissa. Ca -175 CY: Torquann and Naelax Princes lead the conquest of the vile and decadent, dragon worshipping Flan Kingdoms in the upper reaches of the Flamni Basin between the Adri Forest and the Solnor Ocean. -171 CY: Aerdi forces wipe out a Flan tribe at the Battle of Chokestone. -143 CY: Eastfair is founded by the Naelax, who are given primacy in the North Province. Suel kingdoms south of Ahlissa in Idee and Sunndi conquered by the Aerdi in a series of brutal wars. -109 CY: The Battle of a Fortnights Length the forces of Aerdy led by House of Rax, crush the cavalry of the Nehron Oerids and their Tenha allies. The lands of Nehron, the last major independent Oerid kingdom, are absorbed into the Kingdom of Aerdy. -107 CY: The Order of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom is founded after woodmen and farmers save the King of Aerdy from an attack by Ur-Flan insurgents on the roayl tent. After conquest of Ahlissa Aerdi rulers hear of the riches of the Iron Hills. Forge alliance with the Dwur Kingdom of the Iron Hills. After moving forces to the northern edges of the hills and commencing mining operations there, the remnants of Suel Kingdom of the Zelred (and/or perhaps the outposts of the Suel Onnwi) attack. Long and bloody war before the last Zelred settlement of Karnosa is sacked and burned. The Aerdi establish Zelradton as a military stronghold. Rauxes founded by a Cranden Grand Prince as a rival to Rel Astra. Sunndi incorporated into the South Province. -46 CY: Onnwal taken after a long and bloody war, ending with the establishment of Irongate and complete Aerdi control of the Headlands. 1 CY: Grand Prince Nasran of Cranden declares Universal Peace and is crowned as the first Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy in Rauxes. Nasran founds the See of Medegia and grants it to the Church of Pholtus (entrusting the sacred heartlands of the Aerdi into sacred hands?). The overking also appoints viceroys to oversee the administration of the expanding empire. The House of Cranden is granted the Viceroyalty of the South Province, with its capital at Zelradton. The House of Naelax gains the Viceroyalty of the North Province, based in Eastfair. The House of Rax gains the Viceroyalty of Nyrond, based in Rel Mord. Schandor draws up the Code of Laws and creates the Court of Essence 11 CY: Battle of Arrowstrand between Aerdi forces and Suel barbarians. 12 CY: Scant is founded as capital of Onnwal. 75 CY: Overking Tenmeris of Cranden, grandson of Nasran dies. His wife, Yalranda takes the title of Overqueen. Tenmeris brain as small as flatulent belly was vast Yalranda formidable diplomat and mediator; true power behind the throne; Ca. 80 CY: Old City of Eastfair rebuilt after great fire. 86 CY: Overqueen Yalranda dies young at age 40. The new Overking Manshen breaks with Aerdi tradition and takes on the House of his wife Rax-Nyrond. Overking Manshen orders the settlement of the Asperdi Isles. 97-100 CY: Quaglands of Perrenland conquered by Aerdi forces. 98 CY: Eldest son of Erhart I is killed by the orb of the hatchlings 100 CY: Viceroyalty of Ferrond is proclaimed, with Dyvers as its capital. 100-200 CY: Noontide of the Great Kingdom Archclericy of Voll becomes a vassal of the Viceroyalty of Ferrond 102 CY: The House of Garasteth lays claim to the Asperdi Isles. They are challenged by the House of Atirr. After Baron Asperdi of Atirr wins a trial of nautical skill devised by Overking Manshen, the Isles are granted to the House of Atirr. Aerdi Admiralty moved from Astra to Asperd Isle. 108 CY: In response to Frutzii attacks on the North Province, Overking Manshen orders the subdual of the lands north of the Teesar Torrent. An Aerdi army, led by Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom, masses at Knurl and sweeps northeast. Spinecastle founded in the autumn. Siege of Johnsport by Frutzii forces lifted by Aerdi relief columns. 109 CY: Massive Frutzii horde besieges Spinecastle. Frutzii are slaughtered in the Battle of the Shamblefield (Caldni Virs Charge) by Aerdi cavalry riding to the relief of the town. Vir is proclaimed Marquis of the Bone march by Overking Manshen. 122 CY: General Sir Pelgrave Ratik of Winetha ordered by Overking Toran I to subdue the lands between the Griffs and the Solnor Ocean. Ratiks host crosses the Kalmar Pass and takes Bresht in a winter campaign. He then drives the Frutzii back to the Timberway and founds Marner. 124 CY: The City of Irongate is completed. The Great Kingdom threatens to annex Urnst. 128 CY: Ratik repulses a Frutzii attack on Marner 130 CY: Pelgrave Ratik is declared Baron Ratik by Overking Toran I 134 CY: Overking Toran I deposes the House of Naelax as rulers of the North Province for their lack of support for the conquests in the Bone March and Ratik. The House of Atirr is given the title of Herzog and the capital of the province is moved to Atirr. 150 CY: First appearance of Rhennee (around Adri Forest) 155 CY: Lord Admiral Aedorich of Atirr discovers the Sinking Isle 166 CY: After the burning of the shipyards of Pontylver by the Suel pirates of Duxchan, Overking Erhart II orders the conquest of the Duxchan Isles. Lord Admiral Aedorich of Atirr leads the armada and founds the port of Dullstrand to act as its base. 167 CY: A copy of the Tome of the Scarlet Sign was delivered to Muratree, court wizard to the Malachite Throne. Lord Monduiz Dephaar of Torquann Terror of the Frutzii and later a Death Knight, born in Bellport 168 CY: The pirates of Duxchan are defeated by Aedorich at the Battle of Ganode Bay. Survivors flee to Ekul on the Tilvanot Peninsula. Sulward is founded and Oerid settlement begins. The Duxchan Isles become a fief of the South Province, ruled by the Aerdi Prince of Diren. 169 CY: Muratree and companions begin making Star Cairns in the Abbor-Alz 172 CY: The Lays of Bar Stannach vomited up by Fomorian Giant. 174 CY: Muratree dies when his attempts to transform into a lich fail. Late 180s CY: The Red Gnoll clashes 189 CY: The Urnst Senate sells the County of Urnst to the Great Kingdom. Overking Jiranen declares the County as a distinct protectorate from the rest of Urnst. 193 CY: The Duchy of Urnst is proclaimed and becomes a palatinate protectorate of the Great Kingdom 196 CY: Lady Lorana Kath of Naelax jilted by Prince Movanich of Atirr, heir to the the North Province 198 CY: Comet appears over Flanaess. Selvor the Younger prophesises an Age of Great Sorrow for the Great Kingdom. 200 CY: Leukish is constructed. More self determined rule in Ferrond. 202 CY: In reign of Overking Jiranen, Lord Nidramon of Hextorian, Knight Commander of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom dies. The Council Gallant chooses Sir Benedor Monlath of Chathold as the new Knight Commander, over Lord Kargoth Torquann of Mansbridge. Sir Benedor defeats Lord Kargoth in a duel in the Court of Essence in Rauxes. 203 CY: Lord Kargoth Torquann of Mansbridge of the Knight Protectors becomes the first Death Knight and perverts thirteen of his fellow knights to the worship of Ahmon-Ibor (Demogorgon), transforming them into Death Knights. Arendagrost, Maw of the Abyss is released from the Temple of Lothan near Rel Deven and cuts a swath of destruction across the Great Kingdom from Rel Deven to Rauxes. The Knight Protectors slay the beast but not before several members of the royal family are slain at Carnifand. The cult of Ahmon-Ibor begins to rise in the eastern cities. Sir Rezinar of Haxx kills the Allreynen the Gripper when the archmage attempts to destroy him. 209 CY: The Death Knights Lord Maeril and Lord Farian of Naelax lead an undead army against Delaric. They are defeated by St Benedor of the Ashen Hand, who wielding the Orb of Sol destroys Lord Farian. 213 CY: Overking Jiranen of Rax dies. His son Malev auctions the Malachite Throne to his cousin, who is crowned Overking Zelchor of Rax. A total eclipse of the sun at noon on the day of Zelchors coronation heralds the beginning of the Age of Great Sorrow, as confirmed by the Royal Astrologers in Rel Astra. Zelcor distances himself from the Knight Protectors 233 CY: After the mysterious and untimely death of Herzog Movanich of Atirr, the Naelax regain the title, reportedly having bought it back from Overking Zelcor. House Atirr hounded out of existence over the the next two centuries 247 CY: Lord Kargoths citadel, Castle Fharlanst is besieged and destroyed by the Knight Protectors. The ruins stand on the Aerdi coast between Roland and Winetha 252 CY: Overking Toran II strips the See of Medegia and the office of Holy Censor from the Church of Pholtus and grants it to the Church of Zilchus, allies of the House of Rax. 254 CY: The heir to Viceroy Stinvri of Ferrond, Thrommel I, declares Ferronds independence from the Great Kingdom and is crowned as the first King of Furyondy. Nyrondese troops are drafted to crush rebellion but are repulsed with losses north of the Nyr Dyv. 283 CY: Edron of Rax-Nyrond reigns as Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy 289 CY: Farlockend builds the Hexpools in the city of the same name 313 CY: The death knights grow so powerful that they begin to prey on Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom 322 CY: Construction of Public Baths of Innspa 356 CY: Nyrond declares itself an independent kingdom under King Medven I. The invasion of Ratik, the Bone March and the North Province by Frutzii and Schnai barbarians prevents Overking Portillan from crushing the rebels. Suel barbrains are defeated. Battle of Redspan Tenha cavalry defeats an Imperial force attempting to re-establish Imperial rule over the Duchy. 359 CY: The Theocracy of the Pale is annexed by the Kingdom of Nyrond. Wintershiven is burned by Nyrondese troops. Late 4th century CY: Naelax begin using humanoid mercenaries in provisioning raids around the Adri Forest. Firan Zal’honan (Azal Lan), Lord of Knurl carves out a large personal kingdom for himself in the Flinty Hills, Adri and portions of the Bone March and North Province, declaring himself Wizard-King. 391 CY: The Lord of Knurl, the self-proclaimed â€Å"Wizard-King† Firan Zal’honan – better known as Azal’Lan –vanishes in the depth of the Adri Forest. 392 CY: The Death Knight Lord Maeril of Naelax loses the blade Astrosus in battle with St. Ceril the Relentless. Galran of Rax-Nyrond crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy a half-wit Sonnend of Rax-Nyrond crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy a drunkard who left all affairs of State to his advisors 430s CY: Ivid Naelax (son of Ivenzen Naelax) becomes Herzog of the North Province. House of Atirr becomes extinct. Rulership of Atirr passes to House Torquann 434 CY: Elversford established in the Adri Forest. 437 CY: Overking Nalif of Rax is assassinated by agents of Ivid of Naelax, Herzog of the North Province. Ivid declares himself Overking. He is opposed by the House of Rax, elements of the House of Garasteth and the House of Cranden, led by Galssonan of Cranden, Herzog of the South Province. The Great Kingdom slips into the civil war known as the Turmoil Between the Crowns. The Naelax use orcs and other humanoids extensively as mercenaries for the first time. The Naelax begin hunting down members of the House of Rax, with the aid of the Death Knight, Prince Myrhal of Rax. 443 CY: Ivid I begins hunting down the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom 443-446 CY: The Malachite Throne is crafted from crystal hewn from the Cauldron of Night 446 CY: Prince Malchim III of Garastheth, Lord Mayor of Rel Astra and the House of Darmen side with Ivid, handing him victory in the civil war and the Crown of Aerdy.. Galssonan is deposed and replaced by Damanilor of Naelax as Herzog of the South Province. Damanilor invites the Lord-Mayor of Irongate and other southern leaders to Zelradton to discuss their grievances. The envoys are arrested, sent in chains to Rauxes where they are tortured for the Overkings pleasure and then publicly executed for treason and their bodies exposed in the Traitors Garden. King Dunstan I of Nyrond meets with representatives of the fiefs of the South Province in Chathold and encourages them to rebel. The South Province rises in open rebellion against Ivid. Parmus Destron deposes Naelax szek and takes his place. 447 CY: With the backing of King Dunstan I of Nyrond, Irongate, Onnwal, Idee, Sunndi and the Lordship of the Isles declare themselves independent states. Damanilor sends the Provincial Expeditionary Forces to besiege Irongate. The southern rebels crush the Imperial army at the Battle of a Thousand Banners before the walls of Irongate. Irongate, Onnwal and Idee found the Iron League. Lordship vessels seized in Prymp by Damainilor. 446-450 CY: Second wave of civil war. A nephew (Duke Astrin?) that Ivid left as steward of the North Province rebels against his uncle and establishes his fief as a sovereign state, but his rebellion is put down. The Holy Censor of Medegia defies the Overking and establishes an independent see. The Sea Barons gain control over the Aerdi fleet. Ivid closes all mainland ports to them, forcing the Barons to sue for peace. Ivid earns the title the fiend-seeing during campaigns in the heartlands of the Great Kingdom. Almor rebels. Ivid draws upon hellish aid, which assisting the Companion Guard, routs the rebels. Nyrond sends aid to the Almorians forcing the exhausted armies into stalemate along the current borders. The Prelacy of Almor gains independence 448 CY: The Lordship of the Isles join the Iron League. The Prince of Diren cedes more autonomy to his nobles. The Sea Barons granted sole authority over the navy of the Great Kingdom. Conflict begins between the Sea Barons and the Lordship of the Isles 449 CY: Rel Deven is sacked by the House of Darmen. Sack of University of Rauxes, destruction of Imperial War Records 450 CY: Second wave of civil war ends. The Celestial Houses of the Great Kingdom pay homage to Overking Ivid I who officially takes the Malachite Throne unopposed for the first time this year. In return Ivid grants palatinate status to Rel Astra, North and South Province and the See of Medegia. The See of Medegia and the office of Holy Censor passes Patriarch-General Izvestian of Hextor. Church of Hextor given primacy in the North Province under the spiritual and temporal rule of the Herzog. The House of Darmen is granted control over the Royal Guild of Merchants of Aerdy and thus over all guilds in the Great Kingdom. The Great Council of Rel Mord. King Dunstan I offers public support for the Iron League and rebukes the Great Kingdom. Nyrondese troops withdrawn from the Pale and the County of Urnst. Ivid I has Prime Remmanen of Pholtus assassinated and replaced with a doppleganger. Ivid I institutes the policy of Royal Trusts to confiscate lands of disloyal nobles and converts the Great Kingdom from an aristocracy to a dictatorship. Ivid I draws up the Sedition Proclamations to tighten central control over the affairs of the Great Kingdom, including allowing him to appoint Judges of the Sessions. The Death-Code of Eeas, a â€Å"pithy listing of crimes for which execution was mandated† is promulgated. It â€Å"displays early tinges of the madness that would infect the Naelax line† The Eldritch Lords of the Aerdi remove themselves from Rauxes to Rel Deven. 455 CY: Sunndi rebels slaughter the Aerdi forces occupying the country and drive out the loyalist Glorioles Army. Sunndi is proclaimed an independent County and joins the Iron League. 456 CY: Replacement of Prime Remmanen discovered. Office of Prime replaced by panel of three judges Patriarchs of Pholtus, Zilchus and Hextor. Ivid purges priests of Pholtus from the Judges of the Sessions. 467 CY: Ivid I claims bodies of all that die within Rauxes become possessions of the crown unless 100 gp fee for burial in Oltary Park is paid. 486 CY: Ivid I introduces the Castle Tax. 490s CY: The Death Knight Prince Myrhal of Rax wrests Myrhals Crown from the lich Hathamriz the Disaffected on an island in the Solnor Ocean. 494 CY: Ivid I dies. Ivid II of Naelax crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. Unstable before his coronation, Ivid II quickly lapses into raving dementia upon assuming the full regalia of office. Ivid II commences building of Castle Rifter (completed by Ivid III) 498 CY: Ivid II slain by his son. Ivid III of Naelax crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. Ivid III, exterminates his blood kin and imprisons his children in the Imperial Palace. Ivid III creates the Web spy network. 515 CY: Sinking of Duxchaner ship with a cargo of pearls and ingots worth 40,000gp: Founding of annual Windmarch fair of King’s Justice/Darnagal held during the third week of Harvester. Note: conflicts with LGG â€Å"ancient festival† Ca. 519 CY: House Highforge of Irongate find starstone (comet of 198 CY). Founding of Azak-Zil and port of Zarak in the Abbor-Alz 520-586 CY: Pirates operate along the coast of the Bright Desert, threat of piracy at peak, merchants only put to sea in small armadas accompanied by ships-of-war Ca. 523 CY: Jaran Krimeeah, Ivid IIIs Court Mage and cousin (and a scion of the Houses of Rax and Naelax), attempts a coup against the Overking. Krimeeah is exiled from the Great Kingdom after the coup is crushed. Ca. 524 CY: Mines of Azak-Zil lost to unknown forces. Ivid III, upon reaching advanced age, declares that his surviving child will succeed him. After a bloodbath of fratricide, the sole survivor becomes Ivid IV. Ivid IV of Naelax crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy Ivid IV imprisons those of his children not slain at birth and their mothers monstrously tortured for the Overkings amusement. Ivid IVs reign accomplishes little, as he â€Å"excelled in debauchery, not administration.† Ivid IV perennially launches military campaigns to retake Almor and Nyrond and always manages only to shift the borders a few miles in either direction. 531 CY: Ahlissan forces attempt to sack Rel Deven, but are repulsed. 535 CY: Ivid IV appropriates the town of Karellford as a Royal Protectorate. 550s CY: Humanoid raids on Ratik and the Bone March increase The second of Ivid IV’s sons assassinates his 122 siblings. 556 CY: Overking Ivid V of Naelax is crowned after having his father, Ivid IV assassinated by his concubine. The House of Naelax-Selor is granted the title of Herzogs of the South Province. Ivid V no military genius, but a brilliant intriguer and politician; creator of the Screaming Column and the Fiend Knights of Doom (with Xaene). 557 CY: Drax of Garasteth becomes Lord-Mayor of Rel Astra. 558 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood agents encourage humanoids to raid the Bone March. (6074 SD) 560 CY: Dramatic increase in humanoid raids in Ratik and the Bone March. 561 CY: After forming a pact with Grenell Naelax, Herzog of the North Province, humanoid hordes invade and overrun the entire Bone March except for Spinecastle and Knurl. Archbaron Lexnol III of Ratik repulses humanoid invasion of Ratik. 563 CY: Orcs infiltrate and capture Spinecastle, slaughtering Marquis Clement of the Bone March and his family. 564 CY: Oerid Prince of Diren fails to produce an heir. Latmac Ranold of Duxchan is declared Prince. Ranold proposes open war against the Great Kingdom and begins bolstering the Lords navy. Reydrich of Naelax becomes Court Archmage for Herzog Chelor I of the South Province. 565 CY: Icespire on the Tusk falls under a curse. 570 CY: Reydrich seeks to become a member of the Circle of Eight, but is rejected. Oswaldon The Fat purchases the town of Carnifand. 572 CY: The fleet of the Sea Barons defeat the Lordship of the Isles at the Battle of Medegia. 573 CY: The Archmage Bigby flees Oldridge and settles in Scant. Emissaries of Scarlet Brotherhood appear in the courts of the Iron League (6088 SD). 575 CY: Herzog Chelor III of the House Naelax-Selor gains throne in South Provence 576 CY: Passing of the Millennium date predicted by Huro for the Scarlet Brotherhood, Millennialist Party begins to decline (6091 SD). Slavelords begin operations 576 – 579 CY: Date unclear. Rakehell Chert et al thwart Iggwilv in the Isle of the Ape at Tenser’s behest. 577 CY: Forces of Herzog Chelor III of Naelax-Selor, under General Reynard, seize the north-eastern frontiers of Sunndi, from the confluence of the Greyflood and Thelly rivers to the meeting of the Thelly and Flamni. Frutzii raiding fleet defeated north of Asperdi Isles by the Sea Barons. Onnwalon vessels skirmish with ships of the South Province in Relmor Bay and the Sea of Gearnat. 578 CY: Onnwalon ships defeat the vessels of the Pomarji pirate Blidg Fanger near Blue and a squadron of South Province Vessels off Norland Point. Onnwalon ships raid the coasts of the South Province. The Vile Moon Tribe of Bone Marcher Orcs slaughtered by Ratik forces at the Battle of the Loftwood. Holy Censor Spidesa named Imperial Constable and sends an army of nearly 13,000 men through the Hestmark Highlands to attack Sunndi. The force meets heavy resistance in the hills from Dwur and other hill-folk. Grandwood foresters and Olve destroy a Medegian army in the southern Grandwood in the Battle of Gahrus Folly. In response Spidesa signs a pact with Drax of Rel Astra ensuring the cities independence in return for military aid against the Grandwood. Ivid dispatches an army of 12,000 into the western Grandwood to deal with insurgency there. Hurricane Ivid hits Sea Barons. Sea Barons dispatch fleet under Lord Captain Aldusc Foy to aid the North Province from the port of Bellport. A North Province army is turned back by woodsfolk at the Harp Rover at the Battle of Woodford. Grenell reinforces his troops for war against Nyrond. General Reynard takes the land between the Greyflood and Rieuwood and into the Hollow Highlands, but is ground to a stalemate. Chelor IIIs force is stopped in northern Idee by the armies of the Iron League. Raids from the Vast Swamp trouble Sunndis southern frontier, however Count Hazendel dispatches forces to the defence of Idee. Army from the Iron Hills comes to aid of beleaguered Ideean forces, but a rift develops between King Holgi Hirsute of the Dwur and Count Fedorik Eddri of Idee. Naval skirmishes between Nyrond and the Great Kingdom in Relmor Bay. Leaders of Irongate, Onnwal and the Dwur and Noniz of the Headlands meet in Killdeer and agree to aid Irongate should she be attacked, but will not otherwise become involved in human affairs. Szek Ewerd of Onnwal re-enforces his Marines and doubles the size of his Regular Army and Militia. Almor and Nyrond muster their forces for war with the Great Kingdom. 579 CY: Nyrond and Almor join the Iron League to form the Golden League. The League immediately declares war on the Great Kingdom in response to Imperial aggression in the Adri Forest, Relmor Bay, Idee and Sunndi. Alain VI of Ratik marries Evaleigh of Knurl. 579 CY-580 CY: War of the Golden League between the Golden League and the Great Kingdom. The war concludes with the Great Kingdom seeing off the attacks of the Golden League. 580 CY: Bone Marchers attempt to steal the Seal of Marner. Events of the Slavers trilogy. Slavelords reign of terror ended by heroes from states surrounding Gearnat.. 581 CY: The Plague of the Red Death sweeps the Great Kingdom. Griffith Adarian calls upon the power of the Gem of Rachleach to defeat a force of 300 raiders sent into the Adri by the Great Kingdom. Xaene, Ivids court-wizard replaced by Karoolck. Ivid proclaims the worship of Baalzy. Emasstus Carcosa, Patriarch of Pholtus, denounces Ivid as being insane and allied with fiends and is arrested for treason and subversion and executed. Church of Pholtus is looted and desecrated (except in Ahlissa and Medegia). 582 CY: The Greyhawk Wars begin. Nyrond marches against the Fists into Nutherwood, Phostwood. Fists stop Nyrondese advance at Ternsmay. 583 CY: The Greyhawk Wars: Spidasa, Holy Censor of Medegia refuses to aid Ivid V in the wars, with backing of Krennden, Patriarch of Hextor in Rel Astra and sparking the Iron Schism in the Church of Hextor. Delglath the Undying placed in charge of Rinloru. Ivid V attacks Almor, Nyrond and the Iron League. Ivid’s Aerdi Army marches towards Chathold in Almor, Ivid’s Northern Army enters Adri Forest near Edge Field, Grand Field Force of the South Provence marches into Iron Hills, Glorioles Army crosses the Thelly River and enters Glorioles. Pitchfield, the capital of Sunndi falls to the Glorioles Army. The Iron League receives aid secretly from the Scarlet Brotherhood. Ossons Ride begins, with Almor’s cavalry passing through the Thelly Forest and plunging into the South Province. Herzog Chelor moves troops from the Iron Hills east. Chelor reluctantly accepts aid from the Overking. The Aerdi army, under the Grandee Despotrix of the army, his Highness Yimdil of Jalpa, marches southwest to engage Osson. Commedant Osson defeats the Glorioles Army at the Battle of the Rieuwood and liberates Sunndi. Osson repulsed from Nulbish, but defeats Medegian forces, forcing Spidesa to flee to Rauxes where he suffers the Endless Death. The Eastern Pact of Alliance is signed in Oldred between Nyrond, Almor, Onnwal, Idee, Irongate, Sunndi, the Lordship of the Isles and the County of Urnst, pledging support against the Great Kingdom. 584 CY: Latmac Ranold is deposed by Prince Frolmar Ingerskatti of Ganode, with the backing of the Scarlet Brotherhood. The Lordship of the Isles withdraws from the Iron League and pledges its allegiance to the Scarlet Brotherhood.. Osson defeated in Medegia by Ivids armies. Pontylver and Mentrey sacked and Medegia pillaged by Aerdi forces. Leastisle falls to marauders. Almor destroyed by Ivids forces. Chathold razed in the Day of Dust. Ivid V begins revivification of general and nobles and assumes command of the Armies of Aerdy. Aerdy’s drive into Nyrond stops at Battle of Innspa. Ivid V assassinated but is revivified as an animus. Nyrond counterattacks Aerdy’s Army of the North (North Provence troops). The North Province, under Herzog Grenell of Naelax, breaks away from the Great Kingdom. Herzog Chelor III of the South Province is executed for his incompetence in the wars and replaced by Reydrich of Naelax. The Great Kingdom of Aerdy fractures into hundreds of petty states. The North Province checks Nyrond’s counterattack. The South Province (Ahlissa) declares independence from the Great Kingdom. The Lordship fleet blockades the Tilva Straits, and attacks Gradsul and Irongate in concert with Scarlet Brotherhood vessels Szek Ewerd Destron assassinated in Scant. Onnwal and Idee fall to the Scarlet Brotherhood. Lord Mayor Cobb Darg foils the Brotherhoods attempt to capture Irongate. Pact of Greyhawk signed bringing the Greyhawk Wars to a close. Keep of Greenkeep destroyed in the Blemu Hills. 585 CY: Nyrondese raid on Prymp. Patriarch Lassaren of Zilchus secretly flees from Rauxes to Kalstrand to avoid assassination by Ivid V. Burning of 34 farmers in the Grand Market of Scant by the Scarlet Brotherhood. Aide to Magister Vlent revealed as an agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Eramheh Swiftwind enters the service of Xavener of Darmen. 586 CY: Grenell of Naelax is crowned Overking of the Kingdom of Northern Aerdy, with his capital at Eastfair. Patriarch Pyrannden of Hextor declares that Ivid V is no longer Overking. Fall of Rauxes. Disappearance of Duke Szeffrin from Almor. Alain VI of Ratik is slain in an ambush while attempting to attack Spinecastle. Senior Scarlet Brotherhood Herdsmen in Onnwal and Idee are assassinated by magical means by Graf Reydrich of the South Province. Reydrich takes Idee from the Scarlet Brotherhood, but is assassinated by Tyrem of the Scarlet Brotherhood soon after. An oligarchy of Ahlissan generals including General Reynard proclaim the Kingdom of Ahlissa. Last ships to sail the Azure Sea from Rel Astra (stopped by Scarlet Brotherhood blockade). Rakehell Chert leads the Brewfest Rebellion in Onnwal, wresting control of most of the country from the Scarlet Brotherhood. Jian Destron formally declared Szek of the Free State of Onnwal in Killdeer. Sea Barons exploration fleet departs east over the Solnor Ocean. King Lynwerd of Nyrond reclaims the western portion of Almor. Lordship of the Isles vessels given permission to trade in Gryrax and Nyrond. 587 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood agents assissinate several members of Ahlissa’s Oligarchy. Secret meeting between surviving Oligarchs of Ahlissa and Prince Xavener in Kalstrand. The United Kingdom of Ahlissa is founded. Xavener of Darmen is crowned Overking in Kalstrand. Prince Reydrich returns and reclaims rulership of the Principality of Ahlissa (on the condition he deals with his Naelax relatives in Ahlissa). Degalath the Undying attacks the forces of the North Kingdom from Rinloru with an army of undead. Nyrond declares western Almor a Royal Protectorate. 588 CY: With the aid of Prince Reydrich of Ahlissa, Overking Xavener survives an attempted assassination attempt by disaffected Naelax nobles. Overking Xavener orders the rebuilding of the Ahlissan fleets at Prymp and Naerie. Raids by the â€Å"Idee Volunteers† against Ahlissan forces in the Principality of Naerie. 589 CY: Sunndi chooses not to join the United Kingdom of Ahlissa (6104 SD). The Kingdom of Sunndi is declared, with Olvenking Hazendel the Defender as its ruler. The Solnor Compact is signed between Rel Astra, Ountsy and Roland. Sea Barons explorers return with tales of lands to the east. 590 CY: Innspa joins the United Kingdom. Xavener, expands United Kingdom of Ahlissa north into the old Great Kingdom and meets the southern expansion of Grenell’s southern expansion of the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy. Administrative capitals of the Ahlissan Marchlands of the Adri and the Grandwood are moved to Innspa and Torrich respectively. Cobb Darg, Lord Mayor of Irongate, officially recognises the Jian Destron and the Free State of Onnwal. Sunndi Congress of Lords meets for the first time. Trade between Ahlissa and Nyrond, Sunndi and Irongate begins. North Kingdom forces seen on the northern borders of the Ahlissan Marchland of Rauxes. Rel Astran caravel appears in Hardby, having claimed to have circumnavigated Hepmonaland. 591 CY: Dwur miners discover 2 sixteen foot high tablets in Irongates immense undercity. Referred to now as the Khul-Ak tableaux they are thought to reveal significant information about the lands surrounding the free city in ancient times. The script has defied all attempts to decipher it. Bigby has referred to the text as unfathomably alien. A half dozen vessels are wrecked off the Bright Coast by a mysterious agency. The only survivor of the attacks is still, 2 years later, insane. Attacks sporadically still occur to this day. Delgath the Undying has grown the undead hordes infesting Rinloru, threatening to break out from the encircled city. Prince Molil enters the Adri with an army, heading for Elversford. His vanguard troops, consisting mainly of humanoid forces, were crushed at Druid’s Well by a quickly assembled force of foresters and adventurers. The Idee Volunteers launch a series of successful raids against Ahlissan garrisons in the Barony of Monne in Naerie. In retaliation, the Ahlissans seal off the Tomb of the Saint of Idee, leading to widespread protests among the locals and the arrest of the leading dissidents. 592 CY: A large band of Idee Volunteers are surrounded by Ahlissan forces on the edge of the Hollow Highlands. Only a few survivors escape the ensuing slaughter. The Scarlet Brotherhood launches a seaborne attack on the southern Onnwalon port of Longbridge, siezing the town for a time. Szek Jian Destron, aided by his cousin Baron Halshas Geldrenn of Silvervale, personally leads a relief force to storm and recapture the port. A daughter, Veryanna, is born to Szek Jian Destron, by his paramour, Duchess Saielma Relaster of the Storm Coast. An emmissary of Rary the Traitor appears in Szek Jian’s court demanding custody of Veryanna as repayment for the aid that the Traitor gave Jian in escaping the knives of the Scarlet Brotherhood in 584 CY. Szek Jian refuses. 593 CY: Turrosh Mak, Emperor of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, sends an army under the command of the half-euroz general Jedurek, to aid the Scarlet Brotherhood in Onnwal. An attack by the Army of Rebellion on the port of Obelton is repulsed, forcing the Onnwalons to withdraw from the western Volanots. In the autumn, a combined offensive by the Scarlet Brotherhood and the Jedurek’s Euroz overruns the plains of the Gildenlea, pushing the Army of Rebellion back in disarray to the towns of Sornhill and Bergardbridge. 594 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood and its Pomarji allies launch a combined attack by land and sea upon the Onnwalon strongholds of Sornhill and Killdeer. In fierce fighting on the docks of both towns, the defenders hold the line until Ahlissan naval squadrons arrive to force the withdrawal of the Brotherhood forces. The Free State of Onnwal, the Kingdom of Sunndi and the United Kingdom of Ahlissa sign the Naerie Compact. Under the terms of the treaty, Onnwal and Sunndi formally recognise Ahlissa’s claim on the Principlaity of Naerie and allow the Royal Guild of Merchants of Aerdy access to their markets in return for free passage of the Sunndian XIth Army to Onnwal and the cooperation of the Imperial Ahlissan Fleet against the navy of the Scarlet Brotherhood and its allies. The Army of Rebellion, in concert with the Imperial Ahlissan Navy, liberate the port of Tessak’s Cove. Research Papers on The History of the Aeredi and their LandsCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsStandardized TestingHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Spring and AutumnBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThe Fifth Horseman

Monday, November 4, 2019

The advantages and disadvantages of rationalism Essay

The advantages and disadvantages of rationalism - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in the organizational context, rationalization can be described as the reorganization of a company with the intention of increasing its efficacy; this can be done through a variety of ways. For one, the size of the organization in question may be reduced, alternatively, there could be a change in policy or alteration of strategy concerning a given product or service. From a sociological point of view, rationalization often denotes the replacing of traditional values as well as emotions as key motivators in society; instead, people are expected to apply calculated and set goals with objective means and ends. Examples of such scenarios include the bureaucracy in government and to some extent in the private sector; decisions are made not according to the ideas of feelings of any one individual by through strictly following a set of pre-set rules. One of the main benefits of rationalization is it facilitates efficiency in social organizati ons such that the people involved follow the rules which guide them in making the right decisions and by extension meet the goals of their society. Nevertheless, rationalization has also been highly criticised, for one, it is seen as a force for the dehumanization of people in favor of rules organizational behaviors. In addition, the fact that rationalization has been retrospectively dubbed as progress has been opposed on the basis of its tendency to move modernity away from the tenets of enlightenment.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

HIV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

HIV - Essay Example al., 2005). That notwithstanding, the assertion that HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders afflicts even those HIV patients whose immunological and virological status is high is not entirely true. The effects of these disorders and all other concomitant consequences differ among patients based on their immunity (Sanmarti et. al., 2014). It is optimistic for the article to state that the adverse health effects of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders can still help in the study of HIV-related brain injury. Lewis et. al. (2009) agrees with this claim asserting that neuropsychological tests have not been able to study all brain injuries. There is a need for standardization and homogenization of neurocognitive tests and the exposition of this need is a unique contribution of this article (Eden et. al., 2010). Finally, the suggestion that there is a need to determine the individual contribution of individual comorbidities to the development of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders is insightful (Letendre et. al., 2004). The knowledge of the contribution of individual comorbidities can help design treatments that can help prevent escalation into these disorders. Eden A., Fuchs, D., Hagberg, L., Nilsson, S., Spudich, S., Svennerholm, B., Price, R.W. & Gisslà ©n, M. (2010). HIV-1viral escape in cerebrospinal fluid of subjects on suppressive antiretroviral treatment. J Infect Dis, 202:1819 – 1825. Letendre, S.L., McCutchan, J.A., Childers, M.E., Woods, S.P., Lazzaretto, D., Heaton, R.K., Grant, I., Ellis, R.J., HNRC Group. (2004). Enhancing antiretroviral therapy for human immunodeficiency virus cognitive disorders. Ann Neurol,56:416– 423. Mellgren, A., Antinori, A., Cinque, P., Price, R.W., Eggers, C., Hagberg, L. & Gisslà ©n M. (2005). Cerebrospinal fluid HIV-1 infection usually responds well to antiretroviral treatment. Antivir Ther,10:701–